Stylish Skater Dress black and white v4

Product ID: items/./clothes/001_7272

This sleeveless skater dress has a flattering shape that shows off the vibrant design in the best possible way. The stretch fabric is soft to the touch and the skirt flares out from the waist, giving the dress an eye-catching swing.

- 82 % polyester, 18 % elastane

- Fabric weight: 230 g/m² (6.78 oz./yd.²), weight may vary by 5

- Soft and flexible fabric

- Mid-thigh length flared skirt

- Elastic waist

- Printed, cut and hand-sewn by a team of experts

- USF 50+

- Raw product components sourced from China

- Contact with rough surfaces should be avoided as these can pull out the white fibers in the fabric and damage the item.

After receipt of payment, your order will be sent to production for you so that you receive a flawless, brand-new product!

price: 49$ (45.75€)

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