1 Minute Stories: Food of the future

The fridge, which was appropriately named the “Fridgy-time,” was a sleek, stainless steel machine that stood tall and proud in kitchens all over the world. It had all the usual features of a modern fridge — a water dispenser, ice maker, and even a built-in TV — but what set it apart was its time-travel capabilities.

With the push of a button, the Fridgy-time could transport its contents — and anyone standing inside — to any point in the past or future. It was the ultimate solution for those who were always running out of time to cook or shop for groceries.

One day, a group of friends decided to use the Fridgy-time for a wild and wacky adventure. They piled into the fridge, set the dials to “future,” and hit the “go” button. In the blink of an eye, they were hurtling through time and space, hurtling towards a bright and unknown future.

As they landed, they found themselves in a strange and unfamiliar world. The streets were bustling with robots and flying cars, and the skyscrapers reached up to the clouds. But the strangest thing of all was the food — it was all made of strange, glowing substances that looked like they came from another planet.

The friends decided to explore this new world and see what kind of culinary delights it had to offer. They visited a futuristic restaurant where they were served dishes like “neon noodles” and “glowing gelato.” They even took a trip to a “food lab” where they saw scientists creating new and bizarre foods using advanced technology.

But as the day came to an end, the friends realized that they needed to get back to their own time before the Fridgy-time’s battery ran out. So, they piled back into the fridge, set the dials to “past,” and hit the “go” button.

As they landed back in the present, they were greeted by their own familiar kitchen. But the experience had left them forever changed. They had seen the future and it was delicious!

From that day on, the Fridgy-time became a beloved part of the group’s adventures. They would often use it to travel through time in search of new and exciting foods to try. And who knows, maybe one day they’ll even invent a time-traveling oven to go with it. But that’s a story for another day…

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