1 Minute Stories: King of puns

There was a king named King Krazy. King Krazy was known for his love of puns and his tendency to make everything sound like a riddle. He ruled over the land of Lols with an iron fist, or rather, an iron pun.

One day, a dragon appeared in the kingdom and started burning down houses and eating the villagers. King Krazy knew he had to do something about it, but he didn’t want to hurt the dragon’s feelings. So, he decided to challenge the dragon to a showdown of puns.

The dragon accepted the challenge and they met in the town square. King Krazy started off with a pun about fire: “Why was my butler so hot? Because he was on fire!!” The dragon thought for a moment and countered with a pun about knights: “Why did the knight cross the playground? To get to the other slide of the castle!”

The battle of puns continued for hours, with King Krazy and the dragon one-upping each other with clever wordplay. But just as the dragon was about to make a pun about kings, King Krazy pulled out his ace in the hole: “Why did the dragon stop attacking the village? Because he couldn’t find a princess who wasn’t already taken!”

The dragon burst out laughing and decided to leave the kingdom in peace. The villagers were overjoyed and King Krazy became even more popular than before. He went down in history as the king who saved the kingdom with his puns.

From then on, King Krazy and the dragon would meet once a year for a friendly pun-off and the kingdom of Lols lived happily ever after.

The end.

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